Sunday, July 17, 2011

Losing ideas

A philosophy has to stand on its feet. It need not depend on the person who propounds it. If an assumption need be made, the assumption should be the most credible and best suitable option. And that is why Vedanta makes sense. When you read through the pages of the 'Vedanta treatise' by Swami Parathasarathy, you wince sometimes at the simplicity and naiveness of the ideas. Nevertheless, in all, it gives a good idea of the philosophy.

But a philosophy in a book is worthless, unless it translates into thought and action. And this is where I fail. I have the right ideas, but fail to act on them. Actually, it has been such a while since I spent some real time thinking, that I have even forgotten the ideas. Ideas of how 'Aggressive Good' needs to be achieved, and how only the 'Right' needs to be upheld. I have forgotten that in order to strengthen intellect, you need to work on it. That in order to strengthen the body, you need to work on it. And both of these are key to my existence. And I have forgotten that.